glutin 0.21.2

Cross-platform OpenGL context provider.
The purpose of this library is to provide an OpenGL [`Context`] on as many platforms as possible. # Building a [`WindowedContext`] A [`WindowedContext`] is composed of a [`Window`] and an OpenGL [`Context`]. Due to some operating-system-specific quirks, glutin prefers control over the order of creation of the [`Context`] and [`Window`]. Here is an example of building a [`WindowedContext`]: ```no_run # fn main() { let el = glutin::EventsLoop::new(); let wb = glutin::WindowBuilder::new() .with_title("Hello world!") .with_dimensions(glutin::dpi::LogicalSize::new(1024.0, 768.0)); let windowed_context = glutin::ContextBuilder::new() .build_windowed(wb, &el) .unwrap(); # } ``` You can, of course, create a [`RawContext`] separately from an existing window, however that may result in an suboptimal configuration of the window on some platforms. In that case use the unsafe platform-specific [`RawContextExt`] available on linux and windows. You can also produce headless [`Context`]s via the [`ContextBuilder::build_headless`] function. [`Window`]: struct.Window.html [`Context`]: struct.Context.html [`WindowedContext`]: type.WindowedContext.html [`RawContext`]: type.RawContext.html